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Here you will find a downloadable PDF for our piercing aftercare.
Please reach out to us if you are unsure of anything outlined in this aftercare sheet!
Please reach us at bodypiercer_b@outlook.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We always recommend booking an appointment (especially on weekends!) as we can never guarantee a walk in and don't like to disappoint.
However, if there is a space, we will always accommodate where possible. Same day appointments are available.
We pierce from age 10+ here at Body Arts!
10+ Lobes
13+ Helix
16+ All other piercings
18+ Nipple/Single point surface
Any person under the age of 16 will need a parent/legal guardian to accompany them to the studio.
We require a government issued, photo I.D for EVERY client getting pierced, as well as for parents/legal guardians giving consent for minors (Passport/Drivers License/Citizens Card/Birth Certificate accepted).
Parents/Legal guardians I.D’s must have the same surname as client’s I.D (supporting documentation required for name changes).
Supporting documentation required for legal guardians and/or clients in care (please email or call the studio to discuss further).
We do not accept photos of I.D’s as it’s too easy to digitally alter them.
We will be strict with I.D and documentation!
Short answer - No.
Only a parent or a legal guardian with I.D/supporting documentation can consent for those under the age of 16. A valid, government issued, photo I.D is still required from every client as well as consent, ID, documentation from a parent/guardian for minors.
No I.D, no piercing!
We understand that getting a piercing can be nerve wracking experience for some but we unfortunately do not allow anyone other than the client into the treatment room.
(By all means, please bring a friend to the studio for emotional support as they can wait for you in the waiting room.. maybe not the whole family though)
Body piercings are an invasive procedure that for some, can be unpleasant to witness (especially on a loved one!). The last thing we want is for the person accompanying our client to start feeling un-well mid piercing.
We only have one set of eyes and one pair of hands and the client is our main priority!
Exceptions for minors and those who require extra assistance will be made where possible.
We pierce with single use blades and cannulated needles only!
There is plenty of info online about the stigma surrounding guns and piercings but the main reasons they shouldn't be used (in short);
❌They can’t be sterilised - The earring may be single use but the gun that is in contact with your fresh wound is not! Needles are single use and disposed of between each client.
❌They use blunt force trauma - A blunt earring is pushed through your skin at force, ripping the skin rather than a needle which makes a clean incision.
❌They are not accurate - It is near on impossible to accurately place an earring due to the bulk of the gun. It’s a case of point, shoot and hope for the best!
Needle is best and we promise we are super quick about it, you won’t even know it’s happened :)
Healing times are a guideline only and can vary considerably dependant on your approach to aftercare and overall lifestyle habits.
Every body is different. One body may heal quick and steady whilst another may be long and tricky.
We leave you with up to date aftercare advise to ensure you have the best head start to healing your piercing. Please, take the time to familiarise yourselves with the do’s and do not’s of piercing aftercare!
You can find our aftercare sheet on our website (currently updating!) or from the email sent to you when filling out a consent form at your appointment. We have paper copies available in studio.
Estimated healing times;
2-3 months (Tongue)
4-6 months (Lobes/Septum/Eyebrow/Lip)
6-9 months (Nostril)
9-12 months (Ear Cartilage/Navel/Nipple)
Instructions on how to care for your piercing can be found on the ‘Aftercare’ section of our website.
We will have verbally instructed you on how to look after your new piercing at your appointment and you will have received a paper copy or electronic copy via email of our aftercare sheet.
The best approach to piercing aftercare is the ‘LITHA’ method - Leave It The Hell Alone! Also referred to as ‘LIFTA’ (I’ll let you figure that one out for yourselves).
Our bodies are natural healers. With proper techniques and quality materials, your body will heal a piercing just fine on its own. Practice good personal hygiene, use sterile saline wound wash where necessary and leave it be. The more you fuss over it, the more likely you are to irritate it. Give it a fuss when it requires it (trust me, you’ll know when it needs attention!) and leave it alone when it doesn‘t.
Contact us if you need advise or have concerns!
Saline solution is the preferred option for cleaning.
Although they are somewhat the same thing, a pre-made saline in single use packs or from a pressurised can guarantees sterility. A single use pack is used once meaning you don’t have to properly store once opened. A pressurised can is designed to ensure nothing travels back into the can that could compromise the solution making it perfect for multiple use.
Pre-made solutions also ensure the right parts salt to water. Matching the natural salinity of the body is an important part of the aftercare process so as to minimise the risk of irritation when cleaning.
At home salt water mixes were convenient when nothing else was readily available. Who can really be bothered to (or afford to!) boil the kettle and mix up a new batch of salty water every single time you want to give your piercing a quick clean?
Pre-made solutions are the most sterile, cost effective and efficient way of cleaning fresh piercings. Stericlens and NeilMed are recommended brands available to purchase in the studio. Non-branded versions can be purchased in any chemist as long as they don’t contain anything other than 0.9% Sodium Chloride and water.
We advise waiting until your piercing is fully healed before submerging in any bodies of water. This includes baths, swimming pools and the sea! All of which contain bacteria and/or chemicals that could irritate your piercing and potentially lead to infection.
If the above cannot be avoided, apply a waterproof dressing and clean/dry thoroughly once removed.
Waiting until after your holiday is definitely the best option, after all, who wants to think about an irritated/infected piercing when you are enjoying time away?
We do not pierce or switch out jewellery that has been bought from outside of the studio (with the exception of jewellery purchased from reputable suppliers alongside relevant certification).
We can guarantee the material and quality of the jewellery we stock. We will always prioritise the health and wellbeing of our clients and refuse to fit substandard, mystery metals that could potentially cause you harm.
We have a huge range of jewellery available for fresh and healed piercings, within all budgets, from suppliers across the globe - please pop in and have a chat. If you can't see anything in the studio we can always order something in for you and fit it free of charge!
Although it is possible to pierce with a ring for some piercings, we advise against it.
We do not offer Nostril piercings with a ring.
Not only does this add more length to the healing time, it also makes for a trickier heal as there is more surface to potentially be knocked as well as having extra movement.
Due to the natural curve of a ring, you have to pierce with a larger diameter than most would typically choose in order to compensate for the curve and make the part in the healing fistula as ‘straight’ as possible. The smaller the ring, the more pressure there will be to the fistula.
If your end goal is to have a snug fitting ring, you are better off getting a bar to start with, healing it quicker therefore being able to change it to your desired choice sooner!
Another case of every body is different!
You know your body better than we do but if you are wanting to switch it out and unsure then please pop in to see us.
Generally, we recommend MINIMUM 6+ months for most piercings.
As a rule of thumb, we encourage people to wait the healing time and come to see us for jewellery changes if they are switching out sooner - this is to ensure the piece is sterilised, an appropriate length and fitted with the least amount of trauma to the healing fistula as possible.
Patience is key. The last thing you want to do is switch out your jewellery too soon and undo the time you have already spent healing it!
Piercings aren't meant to be taken out for long periods and they don't particularly like jewellery being taken in and out all of the time either!
Every body heals differently but even well healed piercings can shrink or close completely within a matter of hours if jewellery is removed.
If your job/school or lifestyle requires you to take piercings in and out all of the time then it’s probably best to wait until you are in a position that better accommodates piercings.
In date, government issued I.D’s such as Passports, Driving Licence, Formal I.D cards (armed forces, police, military ect), Citizens Card.
Copyright © 2022 Body Piercer B - All Rights Reserved.